
Anna Czajkowska

tel: 602 730 233

(available between 10:00 – 18:00 on workdays).

If I can not answer the call I usually return calls during breaks or at close of business. I encourage SMS communication or WhatsApp messages.

Company details: Brand Light Anna Czajkowska NIP: 521 293 19 41

Bank account for PLN payments:
ING Bank Śląski PL 61 1050 1025 1000 0092 1311 9713

Bank account for EUR payments:
ING Bank Śląski PL 82 1050 1025 1000 0091 2148 8770 BIC SWIFT code: INGBPLPW

If VAT invoice is required please provide your tax identification number (NIP) in the description of the wire transfer or in the contact form while booking an appointment.

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