
I welcome you to individual sessions, in person in Warsaw or online, and to constellations workshops.

If you have any doubts, anxiety or questions, please call or write to me. We can set up a meeting during which I will share more detail about my work and address your concerns.

All day systemic constellations workshop for individuals

– this is a full day meeting of group of 6 to 10 persons. During the workshop participants are asked to act as representatives. The appearance in a constellation in the role of a representative is usually a powerful experience and provides a unique opportunity to witness the phenomenon of the knowing field (the information field) in a bigger group of people. One may propose an own topic to be the subject of the session or choose to simply come as an observer or a representative. It is worth to remember that during this workshop one can work with strictly personal topics like health or relations as well as with professional matters.

Admission to an all day systemic constellations workshop – own topic PLN 590 / 135 EUR, representative PLN 290 / 65 EUR (including 23% VAT).

Systemic constellations workshop for businesses

is a meeting with decision makers from a company, lasting several hours to a full day. Workshop may be attended by board members, department heads or project management teams. Prior to the workshop, an individual session is held to agree the scope of topics which will be the subject of the constellation. During the workshop we apply the methods of blind or double-blind constellations. Besides participants entering into representation, object are used (i.e. sheets of paper). That approach allows to avoid the potential bias of interactions and dependence among the workshop participants. It resembles blind tests known from products or concepts testing in market research. Such an approach is recommended by the Bert Hellinger Institute in the Netherlands, which specializes in constellations for organisations and businesses.

The cost a whole systemic constellations workshop for business varies based on the number of participants and the scope of the covered topics. Prices range from PLN 2000 – PLN 5000 / EUR 450 – EUR 1100 (incl. 23% VAT).

To set up a systemic constellations workshop for your business please call me or write to me at

Afternoon systemic constellations workshop for individuals

– this is a meeting lasting from 4 to 5 hours. The group is small, maximum 6 participant (maximum 3 issue holders). This afternoon workshop would be a great opportunity for those who are not familiar with systemic constellations to acquaint with this wonderful method in a safe, familiar group. Besides constellations conducted for the issue holders there are usually exercises for all participants. These exercises are designed according to the theme of the meeting and the needs of the group. Participation in the exercises may be very strong, transforming experience and may even work as a full constellation.

Admission to an afternoon systemic constellations workshop – own topic PLN 540 / 125 EUR, representative PLN 240 / 55 EUR (including 23% VAT).

Constellation session for individuals

May be conducted in person or online. The office, in which I meet Clients, offers tranquility and privacy. The session is held in an intimate atmosphere. I primarily use the method of inner images or figurines, however a meeting in person allows the use of other objects to facilitate constellations, such as sheets of paper, chairs or pillows. An online constellations session for individuals is a meeting on Zoom, Skype or Messenger. It is also performed by the inner images method or with the use of figurines.

Duration of the individual session – 1 – 2 hours.

Price of the systemic constellation individual session, regardless of whether in person or online, is PLN 500 / 115 EUR (including 23% VAT).

Constellation session for business

Take place in the office or online. It may be conducted in the form of a systemic interview with elements of constellations. Most often, however, the interview precedes a classic constellation. Work with figurines and various objects is usually most effective in case of a meeting in person. Constellation session for business online is held via Zoom, Skype or Messenger. In this case I usually use either figurines or virtual systemic constellations software.

The very first approach to a particular business topic may turn out to be sufficient, although it may also expose a tip of a more complex issue. In such a case it might be advisable to continue work in a wider group, i.e. a constellation workshop for business involving several persons dealing with the matter at the company. Importantly, constellations for business should be attended by decision-makers, who have authority over the particular situation, such as board members or division managers. The subject topic must be personally relevant to the participants, or, given their position in the company structure, they must be involved in or responsible for the topic in question. I would not, however, work with a topic related for example to someone’s boss. For instance, acceptable would be to ask „how to change the pattern of working with bosses who always play down my results?” or „why do I feel paralyzed in the presence of my boss and how can I feel calm and at ease instead?“, but I would refuse to work with a question, such as „why doesn‘t my boss get along well with the heads of other departments?“

Duration of the individual session for business – 1 – 2 hours.

Price of the systemic constellation session for business, regardless of whether in person or online, is PLN 500 / 115 EUR (including 23% VAT).

Psychobiology consultation

In person or online

May purely focus on psychobiology, but may also be enriched with elements of systemic constellations. During the consultation we will search for causes of an ailment by analysing the timeline of life, which is a collection of the Client‘s personal experiences, the so called project/purpose period and the family tree.

At times, a spontaneous healing or a major health improvement takes place after the very first meeting. Sometimes several systematic visits are needed, usually at least one month apart. However, subsidence of symptoms is not key. The goal is to broaden consciousness, understand why we have fallen sick and what the disease „tells“ us. That is the only assurance of a permanent change.

When interested in a psychobiology consultation, please make sure you note that in the online contact form. As a follow up I will send you a short questionnaire. It is important that you fill the questionnaire and send it to me ahead of the meeting. Even if not all information listed in the questionnaire can be gathered, at least a partial set of basic information will allow me to better prepare for the session.

Duration of the psychobiology consultation – 1 – 2 hours.

Price of the first psychobiology consultation, regardless of whether in person or online, is PLN 590 / 135 EUR (including 23% VAT). Price of each next consultation is PLN 500 / 115 EUR (including 23% VAT). 

Do you need additional information?

I will be happy to answer all your questions.
Write to me a message!

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