Psychobiology allows to understand the reasons
for our sicknesses and opens up the possibility
for lasting healing.
Psychobiology allows to understand the reasons
for our sicknesses and opens up the possibility
for lasting healing.
Psychobiology is a broad term that describes the relationships between our body condition and mental processes. Putting it in the most simplified way, the basic assumption is that our ailments and diseases are caused by our inner conflicts, often unconscious and usually never fully worked through, which arise in reaction to painful situations. Important to note is that it is not the sheer facts and real events which determine whether and to what extent the particular experience manifests itself in our life as a disease, but it is our interpretation and the manner in which we progress through our life experiences. We ourselves define the meaning of all that we are facing.
If we accept the notion, that an illness bears the information about what we are going through, our focus may be re-directed inwards, so that the source of the disease may be identified in our personal, emotional experience. Broadening consciousness is the ultimate goal here, whilst abating symptoms and healing may come up as side effects of that internal process.
Psychobiology analyses the biological importance of particular organs and body systems (anatomy and physiology), it uses symbolism, ethology and etymology. Based on that it specifies what kind of inner conflicts and difficult emotions are related to the particular ailment. That is not to say that during a consultation a strictly defined script is followed or a specific diagnostic procedure is applied. There are tools to be used to get nearer to the discovery of the true inner causes of the disease, such as the analysis of the Client’s timeline of life, the perinatal period or the family tree. However, we do not make presumptions as to the type of conflict experienced by the person suffering a particular ailment. Instead we remain open and discerning. Such approach allows to discover an individual and very specific emotional coloration of the conflict experienced by the Client. Putting what we have experienced precisely into words is the first step to healing.
This is not a proposal, which is alternative to conventional medicine, but a complementary one. It allows to expand consciousness, reach to the sources of the disease, to achieve a lasting and thorough healing effect, instead of merely removing the symptoms. The disease is thus „a call for healing at a deeper level“, an opportunity to get to know ourselves better. It may often be difficult and we would shy away from living through the difficult moments again, we would deny pain rather than go through it in a conscious way. And still, as many wise people say, the only way out is the way through. We get sick because we are not in touch with our true feelings and we do not live in harmony with what we feel. We get sick, because we are not aware. I invite you to start this inner journey.
There are three issues examined to diagnose the cause of a sickness during a consultation: the Client’s life timeline, the so called project / purpose period (the nine months preceding the conception, the pregnancy period and the first year of the Client’s life) and the family tree.
Analysis of the Client’s lifeline requires first to look at the year preceding the diagnosis of the ailment. If we manage to identify an event, which brought about an inner conflict, we decode the emotions involved in it, and keep searching, as rarely that particular recent event is the first of a kind in the Client’s lifetime. Oftentimes comparable experiences had occured before, with a similar emotional tonality, evoking similar feelings, even if possibly less intense. We aim to identify other similar events, link them in a pattern and reveal a programming conflict. We analyse the Client’s lifecycles. An important one is the autonomy age cycle, which is the time since birth until reaching independence (moving out of the parents‘ home, becoming self-sufficient). Recurrence of certain events or, to be more precise, subjective experiences of a particular tonality, can also be identified through the analysis of other cycles, for example by dividing the Client’s age to equal time intervals or by analysing the life timeline with respect to the experiences during the project / purpose period.
All emotions of the parents during the project / purpose period are imprinted in the child’s psyche forming a kind of a plan for life (program), which we may later unconsciously follow. Parents‘ experiences, which were particularly grave during that period, may echo in our adult life. The way to free from the burden of the perinatal period is to find out as much as we can about that period in the parents‘ life and their environment – what were their emotions and their relationship. It is the first step towards „decoding“ the burden of that period.
The analysis of the family tree allows to trace the dependencies inherited from our family system. Unaware of the fact, we often either replicate the fate of our ancestors or, through our personal experience and sickness strive to resolve their material and emotional problems. Precise depicting of the family tree, acknowledging people excluded, dead or unborn children, exploring family secrets, helps to identify the family pattern, which we are in, and liberate from the family loyalty, which is often destructive to us.
If you are sick or simply want to uncover and remove the unconscious programs, which negatively affect your life, make an appointment for a psychobiology session in Warsaw or online.