systemica - systemic approach according to Bert Hellinger (Warsaw and online)

systemica has been created in consideration of everyone, who wants to assume responsibility for his or her own life, strives for change, but despite many attempts to improve the situation, seems to go around in circles. If you miss relationships full of harmony, satisfactory intimate life, experiencing abundance and joy of life, if you have problems with health or money, systemica is the right place for you.

systemica has also been established with regard to business, companies and organisations. If you intend to look at your professional life, make your company more effective, manage a smooth transition through restoring the natural, systemic orders, you are in the right place.

I apply the systemic constellations method to both: personal and business matters. I also use the coaching tools. When working on personal matters, health problems in particular, I apply the approach of psychobiology.

Systemic constellations 

(Bert Hellinger’s constellations, family constellations, silent family constellations) and psychobiology (total biology, recall healing) change our lives for the better. They allow us to access the hidden causes of difficulties in life and experience profound healing.

I welcome to live individual sessions and workshops in Warsaw, as well as to online meetings.

Ustawienia systemowe i psychobiologia zmieniają życie na lepsze...
Ustawienia systemowe i psychobiologia zmieniają życie na lepsze...